I am, or to be more exact was, a head in the sand, anti-rich, anti-greed, non financial money idiot. However looking around and seeing the number of people who are collecting millions of pounds without even passing go, I realise this must change. A recession is the best time to change, if someone can succeed now, they can succeed at anywhere anytime. Not that I believe in the recession, I have not lost my job.
As with emotional health, financial health depends on getting "you" right. My head is more or less straight, I know I will never be ill again and my emotional, physical and intellectual life is under my control. But money wise, I have a way to go.
I started with the Deep Tidy, getting rid of everything I don't need, and that is still going on although the worst is over. I am still getting rid of stuff I don't need
Then came Deep Organisation, putting everything in the right place, so I know where it is. This is still going on. It means finding a system of organisation I am Happy with. That reflects the way my mind works. As my mind is generally the most disorganised heap of rubbish anyone could hope to stumble across, this is proving a challenge. It means changing the way I think! There is a limit to how much I can change, on the other hand, unless I get some systems in place, all I will leave is a heap of chaos that will rapidly disappear in the swirling universe that is time and place. Organisation represents our fight against entropy and unless a person can impose some kind of order then everything they do will turn to dust.
Finding the right tools!
I have come to like hanging files and Guildhall slip files
Guildhall slip halls are A4 sized folders, closed on two edges so they act as a pocket as well as a folder.
There have been times when I have bonded better with Document Wallets but for now, the Guildhall slip files are winning
Cash flow
I have three accounts - at least three imaginary accounts but they are not working so well at the moment. I have three identities and each identity has a spending pattern, an allowance and a way of earning money.
Behaviour with money is as much a personality trait as the style a person chooses to dress in, the books he or she reads, and the way that person sees the world.
The three present identities are
Personal me - entitled only to a small amount of pocket money on a weekly basis, money runs through my fingers in a stream of wasteful impulsive purchases, no judgement and no discretion
Self employed me - the Journalist, endlessly curious off to strange places, writing about a wide range of topics
Well and Working me - this is the business person, the one with the lucrative franchise operation
Finally there will be Entrepreneurial me - dedicated to high finance with companies off shore and piles of untraceable gold.
It is only now that I am beginning to clear the debris from my life. These are things that I wish I had known much younger, and all I can do at the moment is write down everything I know so that those coming after will have an easier journey and as a consequence go further
Copyright Dr Liz Miller 2008
Close up of a Ladybird Acrylic Painting
8 years ago
1 comment:
Thanks - I like your blog too.
I know nothing formal about economics, only what I see and hear. If "economic experts" know as little about economics as most doctors and pharmacists know about the human body, and its ailments, then it hardly surprising that the economy is as sick as the average citizen.
Just as there are "alternative therapies" now surely is the time for "alternative economics"
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