I used to joke that you could always tell someone who had been to Anthony Robbins Seminar:
They were deaf, hoarse, divorced and had just set themselves up as a consultant.
I have spent as much as time, money and effort as anyone else I know on self development, and it doesn’t work. It might if I could do it but, despite trying harder than I have ever tried before I have to all intents and purposes failed in my ambition. I cannot be Tony Robbins, or anyone else like him. Three years after writing a long list of goals during an extremely intense seminar, I had achieved one – a (second hand) bicycle which was stolen shortly afterwards.
Financially and emotionally I am worse off. It has taken me four years to recover from the burnout and my programmed vulnerability to a lot of daft "Get Rich Quick Schemes". Wanting stuff is not enough! Emotion clouds your judgement. Rich people are not emotional or impulsive, watch Alan Sugar, Theo P, Duncan Bannatyre and Barbara Needham if you want proof.
THE MIDDLE START TO LIFE: Progress to date
1) I am largely tidy
2) I have a micromillmeter of slack in my life that gives me time to start planning my day and week
3) I have a vaguely realistic assessment of what I am doing and where I am going
4) I have found a cheaper and more direct route to making the difference I want to see in the world
First understand the APE cycle - Acquire skills, Perfect skills, Exploit skills,
Playing the Lottery is not a reliable way to make a living. You need to have something people want enough to pay money for, if you are going to get other people to pay you.
Read this book

Buy a company - from the Internet. It will cost you £30, begin to set up bank accounts and start to get familiar with the ideas. It is not that difficult but it takes time.
Start to learn the nuts and bolts of business and how companies and VAT etc work. These are basic skills. Open the bank account, start to put spare money into your business, use it as a vehicle for saving. Understand the mindset of the business person.
Do not wait until you have a winning business idea before you start finding out about business.
I have got to Step 3 without having done Step 2 first. It is making life difficult. I now have a winning business idea but I am bogged down in learning how to run a company when I should be making hay. I would have better learning about business instead of jumping up and down to “Life will never be the same” –
Never mind, I needed the exercise
Copyright Dr Liz Miller 2008
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