The Deep Tidy is a process and I am glad to report that I am largely keeping it up, in my own way.
The "study" is tidy once or twice a week. Deeply Tidy! Desks clear and everything in its place.
The Next Step is The Deep Organisation
Where I not only collect all the objects and papers associated with one topic together but I actually get them classified and organised into some kind of order
In the meantime I can summarise my activities as
1) Know who you are
2) Understand yourself
3) Understand others
4) Understand the career cycle APE - Acquire skills, Perfect skills, Exploit skills
5) Make space in your life
6) Be completely tidy
7) Be completely organised
8) Make more space in your life
9) Make more time in your life
10) Clear up loose ends
I am, for the first time in many years, hovering around the 6),7),8) mark
I am not completely tidy but getting there. I am developing a tidiness instinct. I still have loose ends left over from January or earlier, but at least most are this year.
Finally, I cleared up one from Five years Ago - I have finally had a piece of research accepted for publication that I did five years ago.... with a lot of help from my friends! At least it will now go on permanent record in a peer reviewed journal and it brings to an end my dealings with the DSN. Or at least this phase of the relationship.
The next step is working out where I am meant to be going next
Seven areas
I - Tidy up and organise - still working on the organisation
II - Matrix psychology - ebook + presentations
III - Finance and money - Accounts + investments sorted
IV - Marketing and websites
V - Health - calm, diet, core strength and running
VI - Occupational Health Well and Working
VII - Voluntary Work, Stands to Reason
As it says in the song
"Nothing is going to stop me now"
Copyright Dr Liz Miller 2008
Close up of a Ladybird Acrylic Painting
8 years ago
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