The Deep Tidy continues
My place has become a Zero Tolerance Zone. I have taken to heart William Morris' 'Have nothing in your house that not either useful or beautiful' and everything is on the line. Even the cats are only here by the skin on their teeth. Madam, it is true could never be anything but beautiful. She is, in Matrix Psychology terms, a Sensitive Individual. Her appearance is her. She does not need a mirror to know she is beautiful. She is beautiful, whatever she does she does it with elegance, cuteness, and grace. She is a perfect cat, charming, companionable, and a pleasure to have around.
On the other hand, her sister, Georgie could not care less about her looks.
Georgie has to be brushed daily. If I forget, her fur goes into dreadlocks, she vomits a hair ball and looks like a Rastafarian. But Georgie is 'not bovvered'. She may lick one or two hairs into place, but only after ten minutes brushing and the hard work is done. Georgie is a straight forward cat. She knows her rights. It is best if visitors do not sit in her chair. She eats whatever there is and looks like one of the sheep from a Victorian picture of farm animals. Although Madam is beautiful, Georgie is useful. If I had mice, Georgie would catch them. When I want to work, Georgie sits on the keyboard. At night, Georgie requisitions the bed. Georgie is a Robust Individual.
Madam and Georgie do not like visitors. Nonetheless, they occasionally take a shine to someone. Georgie has fallen in love with Ray, to the extent I call him the cat whisperer. She sits for hours on his lap, while he does double handed stroking and gets left out of the conversation. Ray is gentle and appreciative, sensitive and people focussed. Her System X opposite, a Social Sensitive. If she had a choice, she would pack her bags and move in with him. Madam, on the other hand, a Sensitive Individual, is in love with Naz. Naz is dynamic, she understands people, and a natural organiser. Confident, entertaining and charismatic, Madam is putty in her hands. Naz is Madam's System X opposite, a Robust Social. Luckily neither Naz nor Ray are in the market for cats.
The Deep Tidy is merciless. Today I put out five bags of rubbish. My place is like the Tardis. Over the course of the Deep Tidy, I must have got rid of well over 50 black bags, made half a dozen trips to the tip and deposited umpteen items in the local Oxfam shop. Regardless, the place is still overcrowded and the stuff keeps coming out. Somewhere, someone is making this stuff and hiding it in my house. It is no longer like lancing a boil, it is more like draining a fistula.
However today, I looked around my study and the place felt lighter. It may not look tidy yet, but there are cracks of carpet showing through the undergrowth of paper. The surface of the desk is definitely made of glass, and the ceilings no longer bow under the weight of memorabilia stored in the attic.
By the end of the week, I will have been through everything I own at least once, and slimmed it down to essentials. More 'pitosuction' may be necessary before I can pass the Feng Shui test, but it is moving in the right direction and most importantly, I feel so good about it!!
For more pictures go to http://www.nicolaslattery.com/1363/13351.html
Copyright (c) Dr. Liz Miller http://www.drlizmiller.co.uk
Copyright Dr Liz Miller 2008
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