Do you ever feel like you do not know where anything is? and you end up buying two three or more of the same thing because you cannot find the first??? The Deep Tidy is the Time-Rich, Cash-Poor answer to the age old problem problem. The Cash- Rich, Time-Poor answer is to buy another, a third or even a fourth. But, if it has not already done so, in the long run that approach will drive you crazy
When was the last time you got fed up with your stuff? just too much of it, and it is everywhere. "Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink". Wardrobes full of clothes and nothing to wear. If you or I are going to sort the world out, we have to get clear about one thing. And that is we have to start by sorting out ourselves. Once you have been through everything you own, you will almost certainly be as surprised as I was to discover how much of it, you can throw away. What is the point in having two tubes/packets/boxes of something you use once every six months? It just means your house is as cluttered as your head
I would like at this point to say I feel free as a bird, but even a shallow tidy, you know there is always another layer. The Deep Tidy means that over the last six months I have touched almost everything I own at least once. It does not mean it is sorted out, just put into piles. But I can close the doors and drawers of my cupboards and come back to the details when I am ready. At least I know there are no unseen monsters lurking in their depths. I can finally start to relax in my own home. If Tidiness is next to Godliness, I am entering holy orders!
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