I have finally got the answer - as does every snake oil salesman on the Internet! but this answer is free because I do not have your answer, I have my answer. And I can't sell you my answer, because it won't be right for you. The point about getting organised is that you have to find a system that suits you. You have find out what suits you. Other peoples' ideas are helpful, so help yourself, but their system won't work for you, any more than you could wear their clothes, live in their house with their husband and raise their children. They are not you!
This is how I do it. The first part is an A4 lined, spiral bound, hard backed notebook. I use a page a day, for to do lists, for project planning, for remembering ideas. The spiral binding means I can tear out the odd page without The Book falling apart. The hard back means I can get it out and write in it anywhere and its size means I can't easily lose it.
The second is lots of little tape Post Index markers. These mark pages, in books, in Library books, in The Book, anywhere you want to draw attention to a page without turning down the corner.
The third part is hanging files. I did not come to them lightly. Hanging files are ugly, officey and lose their tags. Nonetheless I have tried everything else, A4 files, plastic folders, document wallets, small desk drawers, larger desk drawers, but I have had to come back to hanging files. If an entrepreneur could come up with cute hanging files, even Theo Pamphitis would invest in the business.
Your answer is to try on, and try out every system of organisation until you find the one, like Cinderella's glass slipper, that fits you perfectly!
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