Classifier or Organiser??
What on earth is the difference you may ask and why on earth is it important?
It is the difference between Charles Darwin and Bill Gates, the difference between discovering and creating. Darwin discovered how life on the planet evolved. Bill Gates created the Microsoft Corporation. Very different achievements, yet in terms of their impact on the world, Darwin and Gates are running neck and neck.
It is the difference between Charles Darwin and Bill Gates, the difference between discovering and creating. Darwin discovered how life on the planet evolved. Bill Gates created the Microsoft Corporation. Very different achievements, yet in terms of their impact on the world, Darwin and Gates are running neck and neck.
Darwin liked to talk about his ideas with his friends. He only got round to publishing his ideas ten years after the Voyage of the Beagle. And that was because a young Huxley was about to publish the same ideas under his own name. If Gates had been on the Voyage of the Beagle, he would have started selling cruises.
What you make ask does this have to do with you and me??
Everything! !
Because if you are a classifier like Charles Darwin, you have to discover the best way to sort your things. Square forms in a square box, yellow paper in a yellow folder and classified and put in its natural place. You find a system that best fits the way you naturally think. On the other hand, if you are an organiser like Bill Gates, you create a system that organises the chaos around you.
Are you a "Darwin Classifier" or a "Bill Gates Creator-Organiser"?
Because if you are a classifier like Charles Darwin, you have to discover the best way to sort your things. Square forms in a square box, yellow paper in a yellow folder and classified and put in its natural place. You find a system that best fits the way you naturally think. On the other hand, if you are an organiser like Bill Gates, you create a system that organises the chaos around you.
Are you a "Darwin Classifier" or a "Bill Gates Creator-Organiser"?
I am a "Darwin", and I have finally discovered a system that reflects the way my mind works. Briefly, I have a hard backed A4 week to view diary. I have two hard backed A4 lined books, one contains my Daily To Do List and the is my Project Book. Both books have a complex system of page referencing using coloured index tabs. I have a number of different sized white boards, which I use for rough planning. In addition, I have three boxes of hanging files and two cupboards with 14 shelves of stationary, papers and references, which, since the Deep Tidy, are in almost perfect order. This ridiculously complicated system simply reflects the way my mind works.
"Darwins" use the natural order.
On the other hand, the "Bill Gates Creator-Organisers" are the opposite. They create the order.
A "Bill" creates a system or organisation that helps him or her reach his or her goals. This starts with your computer files, your desk, your cupboards, and your home. You tailor the system to do what you want it to do. Even if they are in a hopeless mess themselves, Bills can still be excellent at organising the outside world.
Are you a "Darwin" or a "Bill"?
On the other hand, the "Bill Gates Creator-Organisers" are the opposite. They create the order.
A "Bill" creates a system or organisation that helps him or her reach his or her goals. This starts with your computer files, your desk, your cupboards, and your home. You tailor the system to do what you want it to do. Even if they are in a hopeless mess themselves, Bills can still be excellent at organising the outside world.
Are you a "Darwin" or a "Bill"?
It matters, because it is a key to sorting yourself out and putting your affairs in order. That order depends on your nature. And until your affairs are in order, you cannot move onto the next stage.
Stage 1 - The Deep Tidy
Stage 1 - The Deep Tidy
Stage 2 - The Sort Out
Copyright Dr Liz Miller 2008
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