Thursday 27 August 2009

Putting the O back in Good

This post comes out of my latest anxiety, first deal with anxiety - Money!

I have already put the post on two blogs and the great God Google gets annoyed if you post the same stuff on different blogs, Money is an ongoing source of anxiety and the link shows one way to deal with it.
so Click here for the link

In addition to mental strategies, I think that we need more.

We need a system that sits in the background, and directs our lives. Once upon a time, this was called faith in God. Between the ages of 3 and 12 I was a committed Christian until Go(o)d refused a request. Before this, he had regularly helped out. My final request was a step too far. Go(o)d and I fell out and our relationship broke down completely. I became in turn, an atheist, a Marxist, an Existentialist, a Humanist and finally a Libertarian.

Nonetheless, perhaps, by the age of 12, the go(o)dly system was already too deeply ingrained to be easily got rid of. Perhaps I failed to make an appropriate commitment to evil. Because throughout my life, I have believed that doing "right" was more important than earning money, getting promoted and becoming an important person.

As a result of my belief in doing right, I am the wrong side of 50, with a large mortgage, no proper job, a plethora of qualifications. The accompanying benefits are being over 50 I don't have to worry about breaking a finger nail. Having a mortgage means I have a house. No proper job means I have time to write about what is important and my qualifications mean I can get enough work to keep my head above water.

Further evidence that I am over fifty comes is that I have resurrected my faith and called it faith in Good.

Although I abandoned Go(o)d long ago, I still believe in what is Right, Intelligent, Good, Healthy and True. And may be I gave up on Go(o)d because over the centuries, few religions can boast that they have consistently stood for those values. Even the Dalai Lama is not above criticism. While he was busy meditating, the Chinese moved in and took his country. Why have the Chinese invaded Tibet? Because they could. It would have taken massive political skill to have maintained Tibetan independence. It is, nonetheless, a trick that HongKong seems to have managed.

Looking back, I never stopped believing in Good. Even when I was sectioned and imprisoned in an Gothic Edinburgh Hospital, I continued to believe that Good would overcome evil. That Right was better than Wrong.

I see every reason to believe in Good, as strongly now as when I was five. And this faith will happily last me for the next fifty years and well beyond.

In the meantime, back on Planet Earth, my book comes out in October - I have only done two or three of which I am proud

Treating and saving one or two patients who might otherwise have died
Setting up the Doctors Support Network with Dr Soames Michelson
Being awarded the Mind Mental Health Champion in 2008

and finally,
Writing Mood Mapping, although to be honest, most of the writing has been helped along by Gill Paul, my starring Copy Editor

Click here to buy the book

Copyright Dr Liz Miller 2008

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