Your lodger is more free than you. If he loses his job, he can find another. He cannot pay his rent, you put him onto the streets. He gets a place in a hostel and gets another job. He is at least a Free Man, he may not own much but he or she owes nothing.
You lose your job, you are unable to pay your mortgage, you lose your house. If you have paid more for your house than it is sold for, you go into debt. You go onto the streets, your credit record is ruined. You cannot borrow, you do not even know how to live. You cannot get another job. The only work you can do, expects you to have a credit card and a credit record.
Twenty first century Citizenship is financial independence. You own your house and you have sufficient money or resources so that you can sell your work to live but you do not owe any significant sums of money. You may borrow but you do not borrow money because you need to. You borrow to improve to your credit rating, you stay in control.
Middle Start is my journey towards Citizenship. I have not even earnt my freedom yet. The first step is to make sure that more money comes in each month than goes out. Doing the books each month, is my financial gym and I have not been for January.
This journal is so that when you read about self made multimillionaires, you will know it is not as easy as it looks. They will go up in your respect. The intention is to show exactly what happened, with no glossing over the truth. You may decide that it is easier to let other people do it, and that slavery has its benefits. After all, empires need slaves, and World Government is on its way.
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