The Deep Tidy continues. The purpose of a Deep Tidy is to get everything tidy. It is like preparing for death. Tidying up your affairs so your relatives do not have to do it. The Deep Tidy is a preparation for death. As someone said 'the good thing about old age is that it doesn't last long'. Another way of looking at it 'Have nothing in your life that is not either beautiful or useful'.
A place for everything and everything in its place, but I first have to get rid of everything I don't need. Everything that I do not need has to go, either given away or thrown away. It is hard, sometimes it takes an hour or more to tidy a single drawer, getting rid of lipstick I never wore, wrong coloured eyeshadow and spare pairs of uncomfortable shoes. My house has risen three inches on its foundations since I started.
I have struggled for years with my administration and bank statements. If I cannot organise my own money without having a panic attack, I am not going to get rich. Years have gone by without opening a bank statement.
Amazingly, I never had my identity stolen and no one defrauded my account. It was fine until I decided I wanted to get rich. That was where the 'Fly by night' schemes came in and I lost many thousands of pounds. The wounds are still too sore to go into details. However being scammed has desensitived me to money when years of therapy, counselling and coaching never helped.
The Deep Tidy has been going for some months and it is gaining momentum. This time last year, my own paperwork and mess overwhelmed me. I had bookshelves lining the walls of every room in the house and it was still a mess and unsurprisingly I did not know where anything was. I am entering the zero tolerance phase. I have gone through everything I own in the last six months. I have rid of at least a bag of rubbish a day. Some days I manage six or more, other days I don't manage any. If I buy something new, I try to balance it by getting rid of something else. As they say in government "The process is continuing". I never want to experience such a build up of entropy again.
System X is made up of Fractals. A fractal is a pattern with a common design. A fractal can be multiplied a thousand times or more without losing its underlying structure. The Fractals of System X constantly reinterpret the ways in which we understand the world.
The Fractals of System X constantly bring in new ideas, ready for the Deep Tidy to sort, classify, keep and develop them or throw them away. The purpose of the Deep Tidy is to make room for the Fractals of System X to grow and develop.
The Deep Tidy works like the good fish on the coral reef and the birds on the back of the rhinoceros. It keeps the parasites, fleas, trivia and rubbish at bay, which would otherwise clog up and suck the life out of the Fractals of System X.
I realise I want more than money, the money will follow. After all if it was easy to be rich, we would all be rich. Was Julius Caesar the richest man in Rome? No, but he is Rome’s most famous son and still has more influence on the minds of schoolchildren, than any individual businessman or woman alive today.
System X is setting the fires for a change in biology, medicine and psychology. The Deep Tidy is making room for the Fractals of System X.
The Middle Start is under way.
Amazingly, I never had my identity stolen and no one defrauded my account. It was fine until I decided I wanted to get rich. That was where the 'Fly by night' schemes came in and I lost many thousands of pounds. The wounds are still too sore to go into details. However being scammed has desensitived me to money when years of therapy, counselling and coaching never helped.
The Deep Tidy has been going for some months and it is gaining momentum. This time last year, my own paperwork and mess overwhelmed me. I had bookshelves lining the walls of every room in the house and it was still a mess and unsurprisingly I did not know where anything was. I am entering the zero tolerance phase. I have gone through everything I own in the last six months. I have rid of at least a bag of rubbish a day. Some days I manage six or more, other days I don't manage any. If I buy something new, I try to balance it by getting rid of something else. As they say in government "The process is continuing". I never want to experience such a build up of entropy again.
System X is made up of Fractals. A fractal is a pattern with a common design. A fractal can be multiplied a thousand times or more without losing its underlying structure. The Fractals of System X constantly reinterpret the ways in which we understand the world.
The Fractals of System X constantly bring in new ideas, ready for the Deep Tidy to sort, classify, keep and develop them or throw them away. The purpose of the Deep Tidy is to make room for the Fractals of System X to grow and develop.
The Deep Tidy works like the good fish on the coral reef and the birds on the back of the rhinoceros. It keeps the parasites, fleas, trivia and rubbish at bay, which would otherwise clog up and suck the life out of the Fractals of System X.
I realise I want more than money, the money will follow. After all if it was easy to be rich, we would all be rich. Was Julius Caesar the richest man in Rome? No, but he is Rome’s most famous son and still has more influence on the minds of schoolchildren, than any individual businessman or woman alive today.
System X is setting the fires for a change in biology, medicine and psychology. The Deep Tidy is making room for the Fractals of System X.
The Middle Start is under way.
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