Sunday 13 September 2009

Never a borrower or a lender be - Stop the cancer of economic growth!

Stern optimistically suggests that it is possible to break the link between economic growth and emissions Click here for link

Who benefits from our addiction to "growth"? Only the significantly rich. And if you are reading this blog, you are not significantly rich, don't fool yourself. Rich means as many millions as you have thousands. Rich means not caring about what happens to anyone else and possibly your offspring, because they are the vehicles of your genes.

Most of us in the west already have plenty. You can only eat off one plate at a time and wear one pair of shoes at one time. Lets make the most of what we have. Instead of buying more shoes than we will ever wear, more credit cards than we will ever repay, more cars than we can drive, and ever more air miles, it is time to learn to be human. In the last 70,000 years our species has come a long way and now that we have conquered and almost destroyed the earth, it is time to take stock.

Instead of allowing the economy to grow like some massive cancer on the face of the planet, this recession is time to start thinking about what is important. Yes you need money to pay the mortgage, and to earn a living wage, but for everything else? Not so much!!

Far better to live a healthy life, than leave a decadent disease ridden mental corpse as a rotting legacy to how you helped destroy life on planet Earth.

Copyright Dr Liz Miller 2008

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